If you have bad credit, the sad truth is that one of the best ways to get a great offer on a new loan is to improve your credit score. Lower your debt balance, make payments on time, make sure you are building credit, etc. But if you’ve done everything you can and refinancing is still your best option, we recommend turning to QuickenLoans. QuickenLoans has also been around since 1985, so they have experience in matching all types of borrowers with all different types of lenders. They also have thousands of positive reviews and an A+ BBB rating.
From Their Website
“A Better Way for Our Clients – We believe simplicity makes things better for everyone. Naturally, we thought the mortgage process could use some help in that department.
Get the Mortgage That’s Right for You – We make sure you have the details you need to get the right solution based on your needs.
Know Your Loan’s Status 24/7 – We give you online tools to keep track of what we need from you, what we’re working on and what’s already done.
Save Time – We offer a fast, online application process, let you set your own time and place for closing, and give you the ability to manage your mortgage from your phone.”